
The Kinoslav Studio Orchestra specializes in the dark ambient genre.  The Orchestra is available for live performances, and is happy to provide a musical backdrop for your next wedding, funeral, bar mitzvah, or to just fill the chill room at your next rave.

The members of the Kinoslav Studio Orchestra are:

Sergei Czerewko.  Sergei is the violinist and, one might say, the "voice" of the orchestra.  He is a Ukrainian building engineer of Australian extraction, and loves budgies and growing organic tomatoes.

Thomas Wakeland.  Thomas is the bassist, and provides the foundation for the music.  He is an entrepreneur and business owner in the Quad Cities, and appreciates craft beers and excellent music.

Tom Janikowski.  Tom plays guitar and keyboard, and does the sound engineering.  He is a Polish-American philosopher of sorts, and loves dogs and Fender guitars.

You can reach the Kinoslav Studio Orchestra at kinoslav3@gmail.com

They would love to hear from you!

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